// we do not reduce if the goal is already selected , because the orientation // might change -> can introduce oscillations // no_infeasible_plans_ 改成 no_feasible_plans_ 比较合适 if (cfg_.recovery.shrink_horizon_backup && goal_idx < (int)transformed_plan.size()-1 && (no_infeasible_plans_>0 || (current_time - time_last_infeasible_plan_).toSec() < // keep short horizon for at least a few seconds cfg_.recovery.shrink_horizon_min_duration ) ) { ROS_INFO_COND(no_infeasible_plans_==1, "Activating reduced horizon backup mode for at least %.2f sec (infeasible trajectory detected).", cfg_.recovery.shrink_horizon_min_duration);
// Shorten horizon if requested reduce to 50 percent: int horizon_reduction = goal_idx/2; if (no_infeasible_plans_ > 9) { ROS_INFO_COND(no_infeasible_plans_==10, "Infeasible trajectory detected 10 times in a row: further reducing horizon..."); horizon_reduction /= 2; } // we have a small overhead (过头) here, since we already transformed 50% // more of the trajectory. But that's ok for now, since we do not // need to make transformGlobalPlan more complex // reduced horizon 应当很少发生 int new_goal_idx_transformed_plan = int(transformed_plan.size()) - horizon_reduction - 1; goal_idx -= horizon_reduction;
// 从 transformed_plan 的 new_goal_idx 开始,一直删除到尾部 if (new_goal_idx_transformed_plan >0 && goal_idx >= 0) transformed_plan.erase(transformed_plan.begin() + new_goal_idx_transformed_plan, transformed_plan.end()); else goal_idx += horizon_reduction; // this should not happen, but safety first } // ......第二部分...... }
shrink_horizon_backup: true. 在自动检测到问题(plan not feasible)的情况下,允许planner临时缩小范围(50%). TEB将以更近的点作为规划目标,尝试重新规划出可行路径。调试时可关闭,以在可视化界面上观察原出错路径。另请参阅参数shrink_horizon_min_duration
failure_detector_.update(last_cmd_, cfg_.robot.max_vel_x, cfg_.robot.max_vel_x_backwards, max_vel_theta, cfg_.recovery.oscillation_v_eps, cfg_.recovery.oscillation_omega_eps); bool oscillating = failure_detector_.isOscillating(); // 距离上次振荡过了多久,若小于配置值(10秒),说明最近也振荡了 bool recently_oscillated = (ros::Time::now()-time_last_oscillation_).toSec() < cfg_.recovery.oscillation_recovery_min_duration; // 如果现在是振荡状态 if (oscillating) { if (!recently_oscillated) // 最近的状态不是振荡 { // save current turning direction // 以下其实都是对 last_preferred_rotdir_ 赋值 if (robot_vel_.angular.z > 0) last_preferred_rotdir_ = RotType::left; else last_preferred_rotdir_ = RotType::right; ROS_WARN("TebLocalPlannerROS: possible oscillation (of the robot or its local plan) detected. Activating recovery strategy (prefer current turning direction during optimization) "); } time_last_oscillation_ = ros::Time::now(); // 对 prefer_rotdir_ 赋值,最终影响 AddEdgesPreferRotDir planner_->setPreferredTurningDir(last_preferred_rotdir_); } // 现在和最近都没有振荡 clear recovery behavior elseif (!recently_oscillated && last_preferred_rotdir_ != RotType::none) { last_preferred_rotdir_ = RotType::none; planner_->setPreferredTurningDir(last_preferred_rotdir_); ROS_INFO("TebLocalPlannerROS: oscillation recovery disabled/expired."); } }
设置期望的初始转弯方向 (也就是惩罚相反的方向)。A desired (initial) turning direction might be specified in case the planned trajectory oscillates between two solutions (in the same equivalence class!) with similar cost. 配置参数以调整惩罚的权重,Initial 说明惩罚只适用于trajectory的前几个位姿
voidHomotopyClassPlanner::setPreferredTurningDir(RotType dir) { // set preferred turning dir for all TEBs for (TebOptPlannerContainer::const_iterator it_teb = tebs_.begin(); it_teb != tebs_.end(); ++it_teb) { (*it_teb)->setPreferredTurningDir(dir); } }
voidTebOptimalPlanner::AddEdgesPreferRotDir() { /* roesmann 注释: these edges can result in odd predictions, in particular we can observe a substantional mismatch between open- and closed-loop planning leading to a poor control performance. 目前这个功能只用于振荡恢复,短期使用这个约束不会有重大影响 可能让机器人脱离振荡 */ if (prefer_rotdir_ == RotType::none || cfg_->optim.weight_prefer_rotdir == 0) return; // 必须定义好转向 if (prefer_rotdir_ != RotType::right && prefer_rotdir_ != RotType::left) { ROS_WARN("TebOptimalPlanner::AddEdgesPreferRotDir(): unsupported RotType selected. Skipping edge creation."); return; } // create edge for satisfiying kinematic constraints Eigen::Matrix<double,1,1> information_rotdir; information_rotdir.fill(cfg_->optim.weight_prefer_rotdir); // 目前只使用前三个旋转 for (int i=0; i < teb_.sizePoses()-1 && i < 3; ++i) { EdgePreferRotDir* rotdir_edge = new EdgePreferRotDir; rotdir_edge->setVertex(0, teb_.PoseVertex(i)); rotdir_edge->setVertex(1, teb_.PoseVertex(i+1)); rotdir_edge->setInformation(information_rotdir); if (prefer_rotdir_ == RotType::left) rotdir_edge->preferLeft(); elseif (prefer_rotdir_ == RotType::right) rotdir_edge->preferRight(); optimizer_->addEdge(rotdir_edge); } }
// Set buffer length (measurement history) // length: number of measurements to be kept voidsetBufferLength(int length){ buffer_.set_capacity(length); }
voidTebOptimalPlanner::clearGraph() { // clear optimizer states if (optimizer_) { // neccessary, because optimizer->clear deletes pointer-targets // therefore it deletes TEB states optimizer_->vertices().clear(); optimizer_->clear(); } }
// Do not allow config changes during the following optimization step boost::mutex::scoped_lock cfg_lock(cfg_.configMutex()); bool success = planner_->plan(robot_pose_, robot_goal_, &robot_vel_, cfg_.goal_tolerance.free_goal_vel); // straight line init if (!success) { planner_->clearPlanner(); // force reinitialization for next time ROS_WARN("not able to obtain a local plan for the current setting"); ++no_infeasible_plans_; // increase number of infeasible solutions in a row time_last_infeasible_plan_ = ros::Time::now(); last_cmd_ = cmd_vel; returnfalse; } // Check feasibility (but within the first few states only) if(cfg_.robot.is_footprint_dynamic) { // Update footprint of the robot and minimum and maximum distance // from the center of the robot to its footprint vertices. footprint_spec_ = costmap_ros_->getRobotFootprint(); costmap_2d::calculateMinAndMaxDistances(footprint_spec_, robot_inscribed_radius_, robot_circumscribed_radius); // is a circular footprint if( robot_circumscribed_radius / robot_inscribed_radius_ < 1.02 ) cfg_.obstacles.min_obstacle_dist = robot_circumscribed_radius; // fit dynamic footprint cfg_.robot.robot_inscribed_radius = robot_inscribed_radius_; cfg_.robot.robot_circumscribed_radius = robot_circumscribed_radius; }
//Internal container storing the sequence of optimzable pose vertices PoseSequence pose_vec_; // Internal container storing the sequence of optimzable timediff vertices TimeDiffSequence timediff_vec_;
// Container of poses that represent the spatial(空间的) part of the trajectory typedef std::vector<VertexPose*> PoseSequence; // Container of time differences that define the temporal(时间的) of the trajectory typedef std::vector<VertexTimeDiff*> TimeDiffSequence;
类VertexPose是g2o类型,在g2o_types\vertex_pose.h,保存和封装SE2 pose (position and orientation) into a vertex(图顶点),用于g2o的图优化。 类VertexTimeDiff是g2o类型,在g2o_types\vertex_timediff.h,保存和封装时间差deltaT为一个vertex,用于g2o的图优化.
bool backwards = false; // 参数 guess_backwards_motion 在这里 // check if the goal is behind the start pose (w.r.t. start orientation) if ( guess_backwards_motion && ( goal.position()-start.position()).dot(start.orientationUnitVec()) < 0) backwards = true; // TODO: dt ~ max_vel_x_backwards for backwards motions // 取自全局路径点 for (int i=1; i<(int)plan.size()-1; ++i) { double yaw; if (estimate_orient) { // get yaw from the orientation of the distance vector // between pose_{i+1} and pose_{i} double dx = plan[i+1].pose.position.x - plan[i].pose.position.x; double dy = plan[i+1].pose.position.y - plan[i].pose.position.y; yaw = std::atan2(dy,dx); if (backwards) yaw = g2o::normalize_theta(yaw+M_PI); } else { yaw = tf::getYaw(plan[i].pose.orientation); } PoseSE2 intermediate_pose(plan[i].pose.position.x, plan[i].pose.position.y, yaw); /* 根据最大线速度和角速度,估计从 BackPose 到 intermediate_pose所花的时间, 假设匀速运动。也就是说这是估算了一个最小值 */ double dt = estimateDeltaT(BackPose(), intermediate_pose, max_vel_x, max_vel_theta); // intermediate_pose添加到 pose_vec_, 约束false, 它成为BackPose() // dt 添加到 timediff_vec_ , 约束false addPoseAndTimeDiff(intermediate_pose, dt); } // number of samples 小于参数 min_samples, insert manually // -1 的意思是不包含goal point,它在之后添加 if ( sizePoses() < min_samples-1 ) { ROS_DEBUG("initTEBtoGoal(): number of generated samples is less than specified by min_samples. Forcing the insertion of more samples ..."); while (sizePoses() < min_samples-1) { // 策略: interpolate between the current pose and the goal // 只处理了 BackPose() 到 goal 这一段,而且是逐步二分 PoseSE2 intermediate_pose = PoseSE2::average(BackPose(), goal); double dt = estimateDeltaT(BackPose(), intermediate_pose, max_vel_x, max_vel_theta); // let the optimier correct the timestep (TODO: better initialization addPoseAndTimeDiff( intermediate_pose, dt ); } } // Now add final state with given orientation double dt = estimateDeltaT(BackPose(), goal, max_vel_x, max_vel_theta); // goal 也插入 pose_vec_, 成为 BackPose() addPoseAndTimeDiff(goal, dt); // GoalConf 也成为了固定约束 setPoseVertexFixed(sizePoses()-1,true); } else// size!=0 { ROS_WARN("Cannot init TEB between given configuration and goal, because TEB vectors are not empty or TEB is already initialized (call this function before adding states yourself)!"); ROS_WARN("Number of TEB configurations: %d, Number of TEB timediffs: %d", (unsignedint) sizePoses(), (unsignedint) sizeTimeDiffs()); returnfalse; } returntrue; }
// new_start new_goal 的根源都在 transformed_plan voidTimedElasticBand::updateAndPruneTEB(boost::optional<const PoseSE2&> new_start, boost::optional<const PoseSE2&> new_goal, int min_samples) { // first and simple approach: change only start confs(and virtual start conf for inital velocity) // TEST if optimizer can handle this "hard" placement if ( new_start && sizePoses()>0 ) { // find nearest state (using L2-norm) in order to prune the trajectory // (remove already passed states) double dist_cache = (new_start->position()- Pose(0).position()).norm(); double dist; // satisfy min_samples, otherwise max 10 samples int lookahead = std::min<int>( sizePoses()-min_samples, 10);
int nearest_idx = 0; for (int i = 1; i<=lookahead; ++i) { dist = (new_start->position()- Pose(i).position() ).norm(); if (dist < dist_cache) { dist_cache = dist; nearest_idx = i; } elsebreak; } // prune trajectory at the beginning (and extrapolate //sequences at the end if the horizon is fixed ) if (nearest_idx>0) { // nearest_idx is equal to the number of samples to be removed (since it counts from 0 ) // WARNING delete starting at pose 1, and overwrite the original pose(0) with // new_start, since Pose(0) is fixed during optimization!
// delete first states such that the closest state is the new first one deletePoses(1, nearest_idx); deleteTimeDiffs(1, nearest_idx); // delete corresponding time differences } // update start Pose(0) = *new_start; } if (new_goal && sizePoses()>0) { BackPose() = *new_goal; } };
found_legal is 0 [ERROR] Failed to get a plan. [ INFO] Robot in controlling, but can't get new global plan [ERROR] 17:51:42.074 (): Aborting because a valid plan could not be found. Even after executing all recovery behaviors
Received move_base goal (x: 62.766, y: -1.474, yaw deg: -5, yaw rad: -0.09) [ERROR] Failed to get a plan. [ INFO] Robot in controlling, but can't get new global plan [INFO] move_base_recovery,state machine is CLEARING, Executing behavior 0 of 2 [ WARN] Clearing costmap to unstuck robot (0.000000m). [ERROR] Failed to get a plan. [ INFO] Robot in controlling, but can't get new global plan [ INFO] move_base_recovery,state machine is CLEARING, Executing behavior 0 of 2 [ WARN] Clearing costmap to unstuck robot (0.000000m). [ INFO] 到达目标
// 禁止配置参数的更改 during the following optimization step boost::mutex::scoped_lock cfg_lock(cfg_.configMutex() ); bool success = planner_->plan(transformed_plan, &robot_vel_, cfg_.goal_tolerance.free_goal_vel); if (!success) { planner_->clearPlanner(); // force reinitialization for next time ROS_WARN("teb_local_planner was not able to obtain a local plan for the current setting."); ++no_infeasible_plans_; // increase number of infeasible solutions in a row time_last_infeasible_plan_ = ros::Time::now(); last_cmd_ = cmd_vel; returnfalse; }
// Get robot pose in global frame(map坐标系),转为PoseSE2类型 tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> robot_pose; costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(robot_pose); robot_pose_ = PoseSE2(robot_pose);
// Get robot velocity from odom tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> robot_vel_tf; odom_helper_.getRobotVel(robot_vel_tf); robot_vel_.linear.x = robot_vel_tf.getOrigin().getX(); robot_vel_.linear.y = robot_vel_tf.getOrigin().getY(); robot_vel_.angular.z = tf::getYaw(robot_vel_tf.getRotation());
// prune global plan to cut off parts of the past (spatially before the robot) pruneGlobalPlan(*tf_, robot_pose, global_plan_);
// Transform global plan to the frame of interest (w.r.t. the local costmap) std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> transformed_plan; int goal_idx; tf::StampedTransform tf_plan_to_global; if (!transformGlobalPlan(*tf_, global_plan_, robot_pose, *costmap_, global_frame_, cfg_.trajectory.max_global_plan_lookahead_dist, transformed_plan, &goal_idx, &tf_plan_to_global)) { ROS_WARN("Could not transform the global plan to the frame of the controller"); returnfalse; }
// update via-points container 这里是false,不用看了 if (!custom_via_points_active_) updateViaPointsContainer(transformed_plan, cfg_.trajectory.global_plan_viapoint_sep);
if(!goal_reached_) { if(fabs(std::sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)) < cfg_.goal_tolerance.xy_goal_tolerance && fabs(delta_orient) < cfg_.goal_tolerance.yaw_goal_tolerance && (!cfg_.goal_tolerance.complete_global_plan || via_points_.size() == 0)) { goal_reached_ = true; returntrue; } } // check if we should enter any backup mode and apply settings configureBackupModes(transformed_plan, goal_idx);
// Return false if the transformed global plan is empty if (transformed_plan.empty()) { ROS_WARN("Transformed plan is empty. Cannot determine a local plan."); returnfalse; }